An international society for the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental illness related to child bearing.

"When Men Cry" - The Cruel Reality Of PND On Significant Others

Lindy Plehanoff, President, Postnatal Disorders Support Group Assoc. Inc., Marcé Society Member. PO Box 25, Greenslopes, QLD, 4120, Australia, Tel:0417632844 Email:

Too often partners of women suffering from PND are forgotten. These men provide support for their wives whilst receiving very little support themselves. They provide this support often while continuing in full time employment. Most are unable to take extended periods of time off work, but may feel a great pressure to do so. Unfortunately, financial pressures, lack of available leave, and an unsympathetic boss may force some men to stay at work. These, and other problems, will be considered.

During PND, and as their wives get better, men may be overwhelmed by feelings of neglect and a loss of love from their partner. It is at this time, they have the greatest need for support. Whilst some men do seek support through the PND support group and other avenues, many men do not, and this "danger period" is often signalled by a downward mental spiral of their own. Their reasons for not seeking help are many, and may include the stigma that society attaches to depression, and particularly depression in men.

Support for the PND sufferer is crucial during and after the illness, but so is support for the men who care for these women and their families. It is vital that we develop practical solutions to help men support themselves, and encourage them to seek support from others, so they can care for their partners and children.

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Where Do I Find Help?

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If you are experiencing distress, please contact your doctor or go to your nearest hospital. The following links may be useful resources.

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